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First Light: Photography Writing Now – Tilt Launch Party

09 Jul 2021




10am – 5pm, Tue – Sun


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Join us for the launch of ‘First Light: Photography Writing Now’ – a special edition of Tilt, Open Eye Gallery’s in-house zine. See the publication – fresh off the printer – and enjoy live readings, prize giving and discussion with the contributors and producers.

‘First Light: Photography Writing Now’ features new interdisciplinary texts by, and about, 2020 graduates. Nominated by their tutors and then selected by a panel of photographers and curators, the artists represent a broad range of undergraduate degrees and educational programmes from across the North of England.

Commissioned to respond to the new photography presented at the inaugural First Light exhibition (22 May – 4 July 2021, Castlefield Gallery New Art Spaces, Warrington), these fledgling writers have created short, ambitious texts that destabilise traditional photography criticism: fluctuating in form, style and tone, from theoretical reflection to the magazine-style feature, to poetry to flash fiction.

Edited by Laura Robertson and designed by Polly Palmerini, the publication features new writing from graduates of Edge Hill University, Leeds Arts University, Liverpool John Moores University, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Central Lancashire, University of Manchester, University of Salford, and Writing on the Wall literary organisation.

Purchase a copy of Tilt ‘First Light: Photography Writing Now’ here: https://openeyegallery.bigcartel.com/products

For more details about First Light visit: www.openeye.org.uk/projects/first-light-new-northern-photo-graduates/




10am – 5pm, Tue – Sun



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