Although we hope all our visitors feel welcome and comfortable at our gallery, we know there is always room for improvement. Today, we want to ask for your views on accessibility at Open Eye Gallery.
From our facilities and physical building access, to our booking processes and communication methods, we want to hear from everyone about what you think we currently do well and what we can improve on. We want to open up the conversation, and ensure we’re providing experiences that help everyone feel seen and valued.
We have collaborated with our research partners Indigo to develop a survey to help us explore this. We’d love for you to take part: fill in the survey.
We want as many people as possible to be able to respond to this survey, so it has been built as accessibly as possible. See more: Accessibility Statement
An Easy Read version of the survey is available: please download the file, fill it out and send to with the subject line Accessibility Survey.
The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete. If you complete the survey you will be able to enter the prize draw to win £100 of vouchers* . The deadline for completing the survey and entering the prize draw is 9am on Monday 3 February.
Thank you for your help and we hope to see you again very soon.
*You can choose whether you’d like high street or Amazon vouchers, or a £100 Theatre Token or Gift Voucher to a cultural organisation of your choice.
Your responses are anonymous – they will be used to inform our own planning as well as being added to responses from all over the UK to help produce a national picture. Our partners will only have access to your responses for analysis and will not be able to see any of your personal information. If you choose to enter the prize draw, your details will be used by Indigo Ltd for this purpose, in line with their Privacy Policy.
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