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Scottie Press: Digital Residency



10am – 5pm, Tue – Sun


Scottie Press is Britain’s longest running community newspaper and a champion of people’s voices. The publication will celebrate its 50th anniversary in February 2021, and they will be taking over the Open Eye Gallery Instagram account as they prepare for their anniversary issue. 

Featuring in Gallery 2 of L A City Through Its People, Scottie Press’ display of original archival photographs follows Liverpool through the ages, observing the city through the lens of visual activism and grassroots journalism. The images, donated by local residents or photographed by Scottie Press photographers, are loosely divided into five categories: work, housing and architecture, politics and protest, religion, and childhood. The exhibition draws links to different parts of the city through a large map that encourages visitors to make personal connections between their own experiences and memories of Liverpool and the shared archival photographs, newspaper content, and video.


Joel Hansen, Editor of Scottie Press says:

Over the years, the paper has been woven deeply into the social fabric of Liverpool, acting as a collective voice for working-class neighbourhoods. The paper is a symbol of solidarity, pride and the cultural identity that runs intergenerationally through the spirit of local communities. The collaborative exhibition will display a collective visual memory of Scotland Road’s heritage through unveiling the newspaper’s vast archive. It will allow visitors to become completely immersed in the culture, heritage and landscape that have been documented over five decades of Scottie Press’s grassroots reporting, campaigning and activism.



10am – 5pm, Tue – Sun



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