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10am – 5pm, Tue – Sun


Download e-publication of PLATFORM Issue 2 in interactive PDF here.


Purchase printed edition of Issue 2 here.


Undeniably, we are living through unprecedented times. Since the implementation of lockdown, we realise that freedoms we once took for granted are plentiful. From meeting a friend for a carefree catch-up to popping quickly in-and-out of the shop because you simply cannot go without ice cream that night, we are slowly realising that life as we once knew it, has changed. Operating in times of severe uncertainty, this modern-day dystopia has emptied city centres, normalised two metre social-distancing and grounded a consistent (and very real) threat of COVID-19. 

Nonetheless, we persevere. Adapting new parameters of what is considered ‘normal,’ society has emerged connected. Though memories of the recent-past still ring in our ears, we have learnt to redefine what is ‘normal’ in a world which is constantly in flux, and find ourselves asking when – or even, if – things will return to what they once were. Evidently, only with hindsight are we able to see what we truly value. This new reality, echoing romanticised nostalgia, is surely and slowly, becoming our collective ‘normal.’

As we distance ourselves from old patterns, we have sourced our own unique ways to deal with life during a pandemic. 

In a world upturned, what is your new normal?


Follow PLATFORM in Instagram: @oeg_platfrom



10am – 5pm, Tue – Sun



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