Artist Support
Open Eye Gallery offers a range of skills development opportunities for artists and photographers.
It supports the development of practical, theoretical and professional skills, fosters contact between practitioners and encourages networking within and outside of the region.
Photographers’ Network meetings
Open Eye Gallery and Redeye host regular Photographers’ Network Meetings in Liverpool, featuring artist talks, networking opportunities and other activities. These events are open to anyone who would define themselves as a practicing photographer, amateur or professional. The meetings provide mutual support and encouragement to continue and improve practice; they offer a forum for critical debate and stimulate innovation.
Workshops, masterclasses and short courses
Open Eye Gallery offers workshops, masterclasses and short courses which explore techniques and issues with particular resonance for contemporary practitioners. Delivered by experts in their field, they aim to create a learning environment that encourages debate and the exchange of ideas. Forthcoming workshops, masterclasses and short courses will appear in our events section.
Open Source
Open Source is a rolling submission-based open call, giving developing and early-career artists the opportunity to showcase their work digitally on the gallery’s exterior screen. A new photographer will show for the duration of a month, every month. Alongside the exhibition, each artist is also offered a week-long Instagram takeover and the chance to put on a talk/event in the gallery space.
Open Source is part of our responsive programme, offering our on and offline resources for others to use. There is no theme and no limit to number of submissions, the aim of the platform is to make lesser-known artists more visible.
Open Source Artists
Samantha Jagger
Alessia Arpino
One Day at a Time Boys